Poetry and not prose

Since COVID-19 I’ve had way too much time on my hands. I’ve had to transform my normal neurotic tendencies into something more productive. I became a very diligent writer of diaries, but after recording the minutia of your day, day after day, especially in a time in COVID when everything is the same, you begin to tire of writing the same thing down, day in, day out. So in December, I decided to try to turn this minutia into poetry.

The poetry has not been good up until now. But it has been interesting. Instead of focussing on the story, the narrative, poetry forces you to focus on the feeling – something much more visceral and human.

So, I am going to share some of them. None of them are really great, but the activity is fun. My favorites are the ones written late at night, right as I am about to go to sleep and I realize that I have not written yet that day. I quickly grab my Nuuna notebook and I jot something down. The best ones are when I am tired and have had a few beers.

So, I think I’ll share a few. I haven’t told anyone about this site, so it is still my project. Although now these poems exist somewhere else than my black Nuuna notebook.