
"There are things I wish I hadn't said"
should be my life's motto.
It should stand engraved under a crest,
of a man, a duck, and an ass.

"He never really learned anything at all"
is what they will print when I'm dead.
My obituary will be read by a few,
who are older, dumber, but more alive.

"I am so ashamed I could cringe"
will be what I think as I draw my last breath.
I'll recollect all of those mortifying moments
that appear to have molded, created, and defined me.

Like all those times I lied,
Like when I stole,
or hurt those that I love.

And in my last moment of consciousness, after my lungs have failed, my heart has stopped, right as my blood ceases to pump. Right at that moment, when present becomes death, when "to be" becomes "not to be," I'll think:
"It was all worth it."